The Adventures of Hank and Slow Nate - A True Abomination of MS Paint
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On AIM: HankandSlow

Meet the Cast

It is always important to know a little something about the characters in the comics you read. Fortunately, almost nobody reads my comic, so I can just post any crap and no one will complain. Following are pictures of some of the characters in this comic, and a short bio (for those that I felt like including one).
So, without further ado...

This is Hank. He writes and draws this comic. Don't laugh, it takes a lot of effort to pull this off. And you've gotta admit, it's much better than any sprite comic.
Word on the street is that Hank acquired his super powers from a radioactive monkey that bit him on the ear.
Nate is the other star of this comic. Aside from Hank being self-centered, Nate is the reason this comic was created. If only we had a webcam here to show you how truly funny he can be. He's shaved his mustache long long ago. I think after the first or second comic. But I didn't want to shake things up in the world of Hank and Slow Nate, so I just left it on his picture. It's easier this way. Now that I think about it, he may have grown it back. I haven't seen him in about six months. I'm not entirely sure he's still alive, either.
We call him Slow because... well, I guess you'd need to talk to him to understand, but you'd agree.
Paul has helped me come up with ideas for the comics on several occasions. Except for lately. But he's the one that helped me convert the pages to the new design. He always liked to go to McDonalds with me, but now he's not willing to drive 19 hours just to go there. That turd.
Make sure you don't sit next to him when he takes his shoes off. Believe me, you want to take my word for it. Some lessons are better left unlearned.
Sarah is a girl. She didn't like the picture of her that I drew in which she had boobies so I made that one into a different character. She also didn't like the fact that I gave her orange hair. But really, if I gave her blonde hair everyone would confuse her with Slow Nate. Don't you agree? Of course you do.
On a related note, I introduced a blonde character with boobies, and someone asked me why Slow Nate had boobies. So you see, I was fucking right. Ha, take that.
He really is this tall. And he really has no face or head. Poor guy, going through life with only a mouth.
Everyone who enjoys the comic should thank him emphatically for IMing me and trying to give me ideas when I had temporarily discontinued the page. Most of them sucked, but I found one that I liked enough to transform into a series of comics.
This is Nate's Russian mail-order bride. We don't know anything about her because we don't speak Russian. She disappeared a short time after she was introduced, then she came back and then Nate killed her and put her body in the dumpster, but I still have a funny feeling we'll be seeing some more of her in the future. And coming from the writer, a funny feeling is more than a desire to go to the bathroom. It's.. uh... crap, I don't know. It means I'm going to make more comics with her.
Rob hasn't been in many comics, but he should. If I think of more situations to put him in, I will. That pop-tart experiment was some funny stuff. You really should have been there. Oh wait, anyone who reads this comic probably was there... Well, he links to this page, so here's a link to his (and I don't know if he still updates it or not):
Rob's Omega 420 Zone.
This WAS our beloved smoke detector. I likeD to call him smokey.
Smokey wasn't plugged in for most of the year that Nate and I lived in that shithole of an apartment. He used to go off after either of us took a shower or when the neighbors made breakfast. We condemned him to a life of sitting on the window sill, battery disconnected, quiet as a... something quiet.
A side note: My smoke detector now isn't as cool as smokey was. I should have stolen him and brought him out here...
What is any good comic without it's very own lord of darkness? Well, it's not a good comic, that's what.
Satan was introduced in our 100th comic extravaganza when Hank sold Slow Nate's soul for the betterment of the comic. Is betterment even a word?
Rick is our resident angel. I felt I needed someone around to balance out the evil of Satan, so in he came.
Lots of readers (one) were perplexed as to how I could let evil win, when I allowed Satan to kill Rick. Well, maybe Rick wasn't so good. Have you ever thought of that? Huh? Always quick to point a finger, aren't you.
Buffy the vampier slayer, Buffy the vampier slayer, Buffy the vampier slayer. When the hell will this start to help me get hits? GEEZ!
She's been in several comics now (and mentioned on a large percentage of the pages). She's the character that has been confused for Slow Nate with boobies. Hehheh, boobies.

Do you think I'm missing anyone on this list? Let me know, ok?

Tug on this First Comic This alternate text intentionally left blank
Grab some popcorn, you'll be here a while Naked chicks here!

Check out my mirror!
I worked hard to get it set up. Don't forget to bookmark it in case Keenspace goes down (or if it runs very slowly, which happens a lot).
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? E-mail Us!
Make sure to let me know if you find dead links too! I MEAN IT! E-MAIL ME!!!
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